With orange and lemon juice in the glaze and orange and lemon zest in the batter, this poppy-seed-flecked cake doubles up on citrus flavor. Serve it with...
Almonds add texture to this rich chocolate dessert, while a cloud of meringue adds an ethereal element to each dense bite. Cherries figure in at every...
This famous chocolate sponge cake is filled with apricot jam and coated with silky-smooth ganache. It was created in 1832 by Franz Sacher of the Hotel...
Striking stripes of vanilla and chocolate hide beneath a thick coating of glossy chocolate frosting in this dramatic cake. Best of all, it's surprisingly...
This rich yellow layer cake with sour-lemon filling and chocolate frosting has been one of Martha's favorites since she was a child. Buttermilk adds depth...
Use this vanilla sponge cake recipe to make Tiramisu Ice Cream Cake. To make our Watermelon Bombe, use a half batch of this recipe: Divide the batter between...
What sets our hazelnut-raspberry jelly roll apart is its toasty, nutty flavor. Ground hazelnuts are baked into the sponge cake, and hazelnut liqueur, such...
Quick breads are among our most well-loved edible gifts. Here, the season's standouts -- tart cranberries and refreshing citrus -- spike a batch of sweet,...
An old-fashioned layer cake conjures a winter wonderland when topped with white-chocolate buttercream as pale and thick as a fresh snowbank. Despite its...
Individual pineapple upside-down cakes sitting in a pool of decadent rum caramel are a guaranteed crowd-pleaser. Martha made this recipe on "Martha Bakes"...
This dessert is a masterful blending of everybody-loves-ice-cream with we're-all-grown-up-espresso. Layers of sponge cake soaked in a liqueur-espresso...
Tangy cream-cheese frosting freckled with grated dark chocolate is sandwiched between layers of moist banana cake in this truly celebration-worthy dessert--everyday...
Horizontal slices of rich brownie cake make dramatic stripes in this striking frozen dessert, which features all the fixings of an old-fashioned sundae...
Inspired by the cardamom-date cakes found in the Arabian Gulf, this dessert derives its intoxicating flavor from Medjool dates, Arabic coffee, and semisweet...
This basic white sheet cake recipe, from the "Martha Stewart Baking Handbook," is the perfect foundation for many different kinds of desserts, such as...
One hallmark of meringue buttercream is that it spreads like a dream. This versatile version is flavored very simply with vanilla. The Dog Cake, Owl Cake,...
This traditional shortcake is a classic for a reason -- just about everyone loves the play of tart, juicy berries, airy whipped cream, and layers of delicate...
Nearly every component of this elegant Chocolate Charlotte is loaded with rich chocolate flavor, from the cocoa ladyfingers to the chocolatey Bavarian...
This cardamom-scented sunburst of a Bundt cake gets a double dose of orange-liqueur-spiked syrup: It's soaked into the bottom via skewer-poked holes, and...
This rustic cake is infused with the tastes of honey, lemon, and a hint of ground cardamom, like a flavorful cup of tea. Four layers of cake-made tender...